Cell and tissue monitoring Research summaryOur main research interest is the development of label-free quantitative technologies to map biophysical properties (mechanical, optical, flow, electrical) of cells and tissues. They also address the need for real-time monitoring of 3D (spheroids, organoids) in vitro disease models, and the need to monitor tissue repair in pre-clinical studies. To this end, we currently investigate optical coherence tomography, impedance sensing and their combination into organ-on-a chip technologies with a focus on ophthalmological applications. Dr Pierre Bagnaninchi Group Leader Centre for Regenerative Medicine Contact details Website: Personal Profile Work: 0131 651 9500 Email: pierre.bagnaninchi@ed.ac.uk Research interestsWe currently have projects on:Optical coherence tomography for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine Measuring the mechanical properties of cells and tissues by optical meansNoninvasive biosensors and quantitative methods in medicine and biology: Label-free Impedance-based cellular assays (ECIS, EIT)Label-free 3D optical toxicity assaysOrgan-on-a-chip models of age-related macular degenerationPierre Bagnaninchi is a member of EPSRC, BBSRC and MRC funded Organ on a chip technologies network (www.organonachip.org.uk), for which he leads a Special interest group: Label-free real-time monitoring, translation to organ on a chip.Group membersCallum Rafferty, DemonstratorRichard Cunningham, Postdoctoral Research AssistantFundersEPSRCRCUK This article was published on 2024-02-26