Cell sorters

The facility is equipped with 3 state-of-the-art multi-laser flow cytometry cell sorters .

Flow cytometry is a specialised laser-based single cell technology that measures certain physical and chemical characteristics of single particles or cells in suspension. This allows us to identify, analyse and separate (sort) certain cell populations of interest for downstream applications such as cell expansion, functional analyses or further DNA/RNA characterisation.

The facility runs 3 state of the art cell sorters: the BD FACSAria II cell sorter, BDFACSAria III FUSION cell sorter and Sony SH800 cell sorter. In addition, the facility also has 2 analysis workstations (located in G50) available for use – one with BD FACS Diva software, and the other with FlowJo and FCS Express software; these are used for post-acquisition analysis of data.

All instruments and workstations can be booked through the PPMS booking system (registered users only, please contact the facility for access and more information).

PPMS booking system

For more information on services, charges, access to the facility (including analyser training) and for advice in protocol design, please contact facility staff.

The BD FACS Aria II is a high-speed benchtop cell sorter.

A high speed cell and plate sorter composed of 5 lasers.